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Topic Resources

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(based on 50 reviews)

We offer EYFS, early years foundation stage, KS1, KS2 and SEN teaching resources. powerpoints, topic resources, worksheets, labels and games.




We offer EYFS, early years foundation stage, KS1, KS2 and SEN teaching resources. powerpoints, topic resources, worksheets, labels and games.
Christmas Inference and Problem Solving Booklet

Christmas Inference and Problem Solving Booklet

This lovely collection of teaching resources presents children with a challenging, stimulating and engaging PSHE scenario focussing on a difficult Christmas for Alfie. Reading for inference, problem solving, maths problems and puzzles all feature in this super resource. We are sure your children will enjoy these activities, either as classroom based tasks or as homework. (Includes answer booklet)
KS1/LKS2 SATs style reading comprehension booklet based on Easter

KS1/LKS2 SATs style reading comprehension booklet based on Easter

This SATS style reading comprehension booklet is designed to give your children additional experience in tackling New Curriculum SATS style texts and questions. It offers fiction and non-fiction texts and is based around the topic of Easter to provide your children with an opportunity to use their comprehension skills whilst consolidating their knowledge of the Easter festival. Although designed for Year 2 children, the booklet has also been successfully trialled with Year 3 children and so should serve as a highly useful resource for both year groups.
KS2 Chinese New Year Activity Pack/Homework Booklet for KS2 Children

KS2 Chinese New Year Activity Pack/Homework Booklet for KS2 Children

This Fabulous KS2 Activity Pack/Homework Booklet will provide fun and challenge for your children during this wonderful festival! A stimulating collection of Chinese New Year problem solving activities designed for children in KS2. The activities are both fun, challenging and offer excellent ways to explore the traditions and customs of Chinese New Year! A stimulating collection of Chinese New Year problem solving activities designed for children in KS2. The activities are both fun, challenging and offer excellent ways to explore the traditions and customs of Chinese New Year! Each activity can be incorporated into a complete booklet using the front cover provided. Alternatively, each activity can be used separately according to your particular requirements. After each activity you will find a related sheet providing you with the answers in order to facilitate speed of marking.
Getting Ready for Christmas Topic Pack

Getting Ready for Christmas Topic Pack

A super PowerPoint presentation introducing children to various Christmas Traditions within the context of Christmas cards. The pack also includes a range of cards for the children to colour and write, together with two colourful Christmas word mats.
KS1 Christmas SPaG Booklet 2

KS1 Christmas SPaG Booklet 2

This lovely set of KS1 Christmas themed spelling, punctuation and grammar activities will provide you with a fun and stimulating way to challenge your children at Christmas.
Pancake Day and Lent Teaching Resources

Pancake Day and Lent Teaching Resources

A super teaching resource based on the Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Day and Lent. Includes: Pancake Day and Lent PowerPoint Presentation: a super presentation looking why pancakes are made on Shrove Tuesday to mark the onset of Lent. A recipe booklet for making pancakes for your children to complete.
The Nativity Story Topic Pack

The Nativity Story Topic Pack

This lovely collection includes a PowerPoint slideshow telling the story of Nativity, Nativity sequencing cards, Nativity story pathway, Nativity picture story booklet, Nativity activity/worksheets.
Christmas Inference Tasks for Year 2/3 (Great for gathering evidence)

Christmas Inference Tasks for Year 2/3 (Great for gathering evidence)

A fabulous Christmas resource pack, filled with a range of fun and challenging themed activites for KS1 and Lower KS2 children. The pack includes a wide variety of reading for inference tasks and is currently being used by teachers in Year 2 to provide evidence of children’s reading levels. Each activity can be incorporated into a complete booklet using the front cover provided. Alternatively, each activity can be used separately according to your particular requirements. We have also provided an answers in order to facilitate speed of marking.